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Tea Tree Oil Body Scrub

Hello beautiful people! Recently, on social media, I've been getting some questions concerning tea tree oil. It's a new product that has been circulating around the market. I'm sure some of you may have heard about it. I'm still exploring all these benefits of tea tree oil myself! Today I got something a little different for you and I know those of you who may not be into oils or are new to this, give it a try, it's worth it for your skin!! I enjoyed this body scrub, hope you all do as well! Let's get into it then!

History of Tea Tree Oil 

Tea tree oil which is also known as melaleuca oil is derived from the leaves of the Maleleuca alternifolia or the tea tree plant which is a native of Australia. Its common name was originally coined back in the 18th century by the famous British explorer James Cook who observed the indigenous people brewing a tea from the leaves.

James Cook actually made his own tea from the leaves to prevent his crew from getting scurvy. The native Australians had long been familiar with the healing properties of the tea tree long before Australia was discovered by the Western world and according to historians the leaves were commonly used by aboriginal communities to treat infections, burns and cuts.

Modern research into tea tree oil dates back to the 1920s when an Australian researcher called Arthur Penfold began to investigate its antiseptic abilities. At around the same time surgeons and dentists started using tea tree oil to prevent infection and clean out wounds.

Tea tree oil gets its range of therapeutic benefits from its many powerful medicinal properties which include the following:

  • Antimicrobial properties: Since Arthur Penfold discovered its outstanding antimicrobial activities nearly 100 years ago, numerous studies have confirmed that tea tree oil is one of the most powerful natural antibacterial and anti-fungal substances.
  • Expectorant properties: which make tea tree oil ideal for treating respiratory conditions.
  • Cicatrisant properties: meaning that the oil can help heal skin wounds quickly and even help to diminish the appearance of scars.
  • Anti-inflammatory properties: terpinen 4-ol which is the major chemical component of tea tree oil has excellent anti-inflammatory actions giving tea tree oil a variety of uses including muscular pain and arthritis.
  • Insecticide properties: as well as its myriad health benefits, you can use tea tree essential oil to repel insects and kill ticks, mosquitoes and fleas.
By: Marc Seward (Healthy Focus)  
More information click here or here =)

DIY Tea Tree Oil Body Scrub 

You will need:
**1/2 cup raw sugar (Click here for more)
**8-10 drops tea tree oil
**1 tablespoon raw honey (Click here for info)
**1/4 cup olive oil (Click here for benefits) 

Directions: Mix all ingredients together. 

To Use: In the shower, apply Tea Tree Oil Body Scrub on your skin.  Gently massage the scrub on your arms, legs, torso, back, feet, and face before rinsing. Carefully avoid getting the scrub in your eyes and other sensitive areas. Please be aware that oils can make the shower and bath surfaces very slippery. I also use on my face as well, after I have massaged my entire body. Enjoy daily or on special occasions. :) 
By: Razor Family Farms
Have a good day folks! Try out the scrub let me know if you liked it ! 


  1. Informative blog, thanks a mil. Will give this tea tree oil a try, also heard its effective for pimples

    1. It is effective for pimples and yes it also makes a refreshing body scrub ;)

    2. Tried it and to my surprise I liked it.

  2. Actually used tea tree oil on a skin tag I had a while ago and it fell off in a couple days. It's legit!

    1. IKR! Tea tree oil works wonders, it's scoring really high in my book of secret ingredients. Some people may be skeptical about it at first, but it truly is great for the skin.

  3. Seems like a great product. I will check out this oil...

    1. Yes, you definitely should, maybe a little pricey to some, but worth it :)

  4. Which is better tea tree oil or neem?

    1. Hi there! With regards to the body scrub? or to treat a specific skin problem?


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